Affinity Groups

These University-wide committees contribute greatly to the collective effort to create a culture of belonging at the University of Miami. Please review some of the resources and look for upcoming programming and involvement opportunities.

Accordion Group

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  • Asian Student Leadership Council

  • Black Faculty and Staff Association (WWMA)

    The University of Miami Alumni Association/Black Alumni Society and the Woodson Williams Marshall Association (WWMA) are committed to serving and uniting African and African American alumni for the purpose of advancing the interests of the University while recruiting, mentoring and retaining students of African descent in all academic fields.

    In all that we do, we endeavor to:

    • Reach out to connect, serve and engage Black alumni, life-long and world wide.
    • Connect alumni to each other and the University through meaningful communication, programs and events.
    • Design and execute a comprehensive fundraising plan to fund the Black alumni scholarship fund.
    • Facilitate a high level of volunteerism so that the Black Alumni Society, the University and the community-at-large, benefits from the University of Miami’s diverse interests, talents and backgrounds.
    • Encourage investment and support for the University in its successful pursuit of excellence in teaching, research and service.
    • Celebrate the rich history of UM Black alumni, faculty and staff through building upon the best of our traditions and accomplishments


  • Black Student Leadership Caucus

    The Black Student Leadership Caucus was developed to provide an opportunity for black student organizations and leaders to have an open and honest dialogue about campus programming, event planning, effective leadership, and role modeling. The members of this organization represent the black student community on campus and work collaboratively to create a holistic student experience centered around academic, professional, and personal success.

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  • Latin Leadership Council

    The Latin Leadership Council aims to increase collaboration among the diverse student body for Latin and Hispanic-identifying students to voice their opinions about campus programming, effective leadership/representation, and advocacy at the U. Its purpose is to serve as the place to unite the University community and serve as a support system to the Latin and Hispanic population to foster educational and cultural activities.

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  • Multicultural Student Council

    The Multicultural Student Council will be the space where student leaders will have the ability to represent many diverse groups on campus to bring forth any issues and create effective solutions. Similar to the Black Leadership Caucus and the Latin Leadership Council, the mission is to bring a community together, but the hope of the Multicultural Student Council is to bring all aspects of the diverse community within the University of Miami together, to discuss common issues we all may be facing.

  • Standing Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Standing Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is entrusted with researching, recommending, and promoting educational and programmatic efforts that are consistent with UM’s unwavering dedication to diversity and inclusion. Among other activities of the committee is analyzing strategies to enhance our educational efforts around these topics.

