About Us

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The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs provides services and resources that support the academic mission of the institution. We provide a supportive environment where individual growth and cultural expression are encouraged and academic excellence is expected. Each of you has embarked on a journey to become better-educated citizens. We encourage you to take educational risks and sharpen your academic skills by becoming high achievers.

Personal Development

Provide students with information on educational programs, internships, graduate schools, and scholarship opportunities.

Advocate and Assist with activities related to recruitment, retention, enrollment, and graduation of ethnically diverse students.

Academic Support

Advise the administration, faculty, and staff on the impact of policies and procedures on ethnically diverse students.

Assist academic and administrative units in developing and implementing activities, programs, and policies to increase the number of multicultural students who enroll and graduate from the university.

Culturally Enrich the "U" by providing administrative and financial support to multicultural student organizations, which celebrate the cultural richness and traditions of the various ethnic populations across the university community.
